We need your support…
let’s build a better
East Point!

Attention all Ward B Colonial Hills Citizens, East Point residents & surrounding communities! Our Project Team is asking for your support for our project the Unity Center!

The proposed site for Unity Center, which for years has sat vacant and in distress, serves as an entry point to the city of East Point and deserves to be beautified and attractive while offering a connection point for all.

You can help put the Unity in Community by completing our form that will inform the City of East Point of the communities concern and support.

I support the revitalizing of our neighborhood through the creation of live, work, and play spaces in our community. Since the Unity Center will bring life and beauty to an old building through modern revocation in an ideal location, I support the plans of this business venture and others like it.
— Josette Bailey - Council Member Ward B
As a trusted leader in this community I am grateful for the engagement of the Unity Center team. They have listened to our feedback and properly addressed any concerns. Our neighborhood is in FULL SUPPORT of seeing this property revitalized. We are thrilled with the proposed plans. This will be great for the entrance of our city, and our neighborhood. Let’s make this happen!
— Nigel Rocourt - Ward B Community Leader